Mini Book Review: The Heroin Diaries: A Year In The Life Of A Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx.

Hello everyone.

Today I am coming to you with a book review of The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx. Nikki Sixx is the bassist for the band Motley Crue, (one of the best bands ever) and he went through so much shit, and is now sober.

Now on to the mini review.


Set against the frenzied world of heavy metal superstardom, the co-founder of Motley Crue offers an unflinching and gripping look at his own descent into drug addiction. It follows him during the year he plunged to rock bottom and his courageous decision to pick himself up and start living again. (Goodreads)

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently…” 

I’m not a person who tends to read Nonfiction, but sometimes I will pick one up that calls to me. This is what happened with The Heroin Diaries. I have always been a fan of Motley Crue, but I didn’t really look into the background of the band until recently. This book is about Nikki being addicted to drugs, his depression and how he came out of it.

This book is told in diary entries between 1986/87 that Nikki kept during his time in the band, with extra bits added from people filling in the blanks. I really liked the structure of the book, you can see how he was getting deeper and deeper into drugs and how much it was effecting him and the people around him, and how he was spiralling out of control. At one point he was so out of it he thought people were after him, so he was hiding in his closet with a gun, there was nobody after him. He also died for a few minutes, he went through absolute hell.

The band itself were entirely out of control, how any of them survived is mind blowing.

There were some points within the book where I just wanted to go and give him a hug. I recommend this book highly, its such an interesting look into what addiction can do to a person. Obviously don’t read it if addiction, drug use and depression is a trigger for you.

I’ve looked into this deeper and this book has helped loads of people who are suffering from addiction, which I think is so cool, because it is a massive thing that is happening everywhere, and if it helps just one person I think that is amazing.

5 Stars.

What about you guys, do you have any interesting nonfiction books you have read recently?

Happy Reading.

Thanks Bookworms.

5 thoughts on “Mini Book Review: The Heroin Diaries: A Year In The Life Of A Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx.

  1. I read this book when it first came out and honestly I picked it up because I have been a fan of Nikki Sixx since I was a teenager but by the time I was done with it (and like you did the research) I was a fan of the person. I then picked up his second book Life is Beautiful and I just have a whole new respect for him. Both books are absolute must reads. I completely agree with you. You did a brilliant job encapsulating Heroine Diaries!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Completely agreed! I hate when people just call him an asshole. Its such BS. Who hasn’t made mistakes. He has grown and is a better person for them. And like you said he’s saved so many lives. More people know him now through his books than from Motley Crue. That say A LOT!

        Liked by 2 people

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